Saturday 28 March 2020


Today is my perfect day, I am waking up later than other days. Now I am having breakfast in a cafeteria and I am going for a walk. I am going home and I am doing some sport in my own gym right now. I am painting and drawing beautiful things in a huge paper. I am also doing some colorful drawings in some of the walls in my art studio. Now, I am having lunch and playing some games with my family; I am reading a book and listening some music at the moment. Now, in the evening, I am  having a shower and coocking some homemade food for dinner. At night, I am watching series and other things in the TV and in my computer while eating some sweets and chocolates; and finnaly I am going to bed.

Monday 16 March 2020

Saturday 14 March 2020



trade  trueque
silk  seda
spices  especias
weapons   armas
bows  arcos
arrows  flechas
loyal  fiel/leal
pounds  libras
signed an agreement  firmaron un acuerdo
ruled  gobernado o dirigido
proud  orgulloso
speak fluenty  hablar fluidamente
natural border  barrera natural
howl  aullido
goalie  portero
starring for  protagonizada por
thieves  criminales
custard  natillas
lumberjacks  leñadores


rude  maleducado
polite  educado
bowler hat  bombín
goblins  duendes
draw/tie  empate
risk  arriesgar
behavior  comportamiento
average  media
retake  recuperar (un examen)
allow  permitido
yearbook  anuario


What can I do that I couldn't do before?
I can write a long text better than in the first term,
I can speak to other people and tell something to us
in English
Can I  understand  information from LISTENINGS?
Yes, I can. I think that I improve this aspect, because
I can understand them better than in the 1st term
Can I WRITE a brief paragraph ?
I think that I have to improve it more, but I can do it.
Can I SPEAK using vocabulary and grammar learnt this term?
Yes, I can, but I need to improve my pronunciation to speak 
better in English.
Can I understand information from READINGS?
Yes, but sometimes I am confuse about some of the 
information in the reading and I don't answer correctly 
the questions about the text.
What do I like most?
I love the Abby's days, when she tells us things about her country.
What do I do well?
The things that I do better are the writting part of the exam.
What am I confused about?
I think that I am not confuse about anything in this term.
What do I need help with?
I don't need help with anything.
What do I do in English outside the class?
Watch series and videos in English without subtitles.
What do I need to improve?
I need to improve my pronunciation in the speakings and my 
clarity when I write a paragraph.
What did I learn about culture?
I learn new things about the schools in different places in the 
world, festivals, traditions...